Atopic dermatitis is a chronic(long-lasting) skin disorder and is non-contagious in nature i.e. it cannot be passed from one person to another. The word “dermatitis” means inflammation of the skin. “Atopic” comes from the word “Atopy” that includes a group of diseases in which there is an inherited tendency to develop allergic conditions.
In Atopic dermatitis, the skin becomes extremely itchy. On scratching the affected parts there may be redness, swelling, cracking, oozing of clear fluid, crusting and scaling. This entire sequence occurs as a gradual process and all of these may not always be seen at the same time.
During the course of the disease, there may be periods when the disease becomes worse; such periods are called flare-ups or exacerbations. Then there may also be periods when the skin symptoms improve or clear up completely and such periods are called remissions.
In some cases as the children suffering from Atopic dermatitis grow older, their skin disease improves or disappears altogether. In spite of this, their skin may remain dry and easily irritated. In other cases, Atopic dermatitis may continue to be a significant problem even in adulthood.
Scope of homeopathy: Children with Atopic dermatitis find an excellent treatment with homeopathy. Just like any other immunological disease, here too, earlier the better. Also, cases before using the cortisone respond better than those who are on cortisone, especially for a long time. It does not mean that patients who are on cortisone do not respond. Those who have taken cortisone for a long time, say for over one year, especially oral cortisone, have their immune system suppressed; are prone to get a rebound effect after stopping cortisone. They pose a challenge in treating using homeopathy. All said and done, all cases of Atopic dermatitis can look for the positive result using homeopathy.