Skin Eczema

Skin Eczema

It is a genetic predisposition to form excessive lot which leads to a generalized & prolonged hypersensitivity to common environmental antigens including pollen & house dust, mite etc.

Seborrhoeic Eczema

It is characterized by a red scaly rash which classically affects the scalp (dandruff), center face, nasolabial folds, eyebrows & center chest.

Discoid Eczema

It is characterized by a red scaly rash which classically affects the scalp (dandruff), center face, nasolabial folds, eyebrows & center chest.

Irritant Eczema

Detergents, alkalis, acids, solvents and abrasive dust. Napkin eczema in babies is common & due to irritant ammoniacal urine & faeces.

Allergic Contact Eczema

It is due to a delayed hypersensitivity reaction following contact with antigen or haptens. Previous exposure to the allergen is required for sensitization & the reaction is specific to the allergen or closely related chemical.

Asteatotic Eczema

It is frequently seen in the hospitalized elderly, especially when the skin is dry, low humidity caused by center heating, over washing & diuretics. It is seen as the rippled pattern of the fissured skin, on lower limbs.

Gravitational Eczema

It is associated with signs of insufficiency link edema, discoloration, loss of hair ulceration &pigmentation. It occurs on lower legs.

Lichen Simplex

It is described as a plaque oflichenified eczema due to repeated rubbing or scratching as a habit or in response to stress.


Allergy:- Exposure to the specific allergen will cause dermatitis. Common allergens are dust, detergents, smoke etc. Food:- Food allergens are not a common factor but food preservatives colors and certain foods may cause skin allergy. Environment:- Us healthy surrounding, lack of sanitation, damp and humid weather provoke skin allergy. Occupation:- Eczema may be caused by a specific allergen at the workplace. Such as chemicals like chrome, nickel, reactive dyes, detergents etc. Infection:- Underlying infections may cause eczema as its external manifestation. Drug Reaction:- Certain drugs may cause eczema as their reaction or due to faulty medication.




Treatment lies in ascertaining the cause of eczema and its removal along with management. Maintaining a healthy skin regime roper cleanliness habits & disinfection. Healthy & nutritious diet rich in Vit. C, Vit. E, Proteins, Essential Fatty acids & Essential Fatty acids & Zinc. Dietary supplements for Zinc Amino Acids, Vit. C etc needed along with foods such as spinach, carrots, orange, shellfish etc. Carefully selected internal & external homeopathic remedies at relief.