Warts are caused by various types of human papillomavirus (HPV) which are DNA viruses.
Common warts appear initially as smooth, skin-colored papules. As they enlarge skin surface becomes irregular and hyper Ceratonia, producing the typical warty appearance.
They are most common on hands but can be seen in the face, genitalia & sum exposed surfaces like arms & legs multiple warts are common.
Warts are caused by various types of human papillomavirus (HPV) which are DNA viruses. Common warts appear initially as smooth, skin-colored papules. As they enlarge skin surface becomes irregular and hyper Ceratonia, producing the typical warty appearance. They are most common on hands but can be seen in the face, genitalia & sum exposed surfaces like arms & legs multiple warts are common.
Are charactered by a rough surface protruding only slightly from the skin & are surrounded by a horny collar. On paring, the presence of capillary loops distinguishes these warts from corns as they are painful & disabling.
Usually, due to specific HPV subtypes are spread by sexual activity.
These are extremely common, most people during their life. They are firm papules with a rough verrucous surface that occur mostly on the face, neck, chest and upper back.
These are a variant and occur commonly in males on the face and neck. They are irregularly distributed and are sometimes seen in clusters, They distinguish themselves by their fine, finger-like projections. Shaving can result in the spread of warts.
Warts are a result of infect of infecting with the DNA human papillomavirus (HPV) of with these are over 90 subtypes on the basis of DAN aralys is. the virus, in either living skin or ferments of shed skin &, is encouraged by trauma and moisture( e.g. in swimming poos, fishmongers etc.)